The following resolutions have been received and will be voted on at the Affiliated Societies’ Conference taking place on Saturday 7th April 2018 after the BGS Annual General Meeting. Hard copies will be sent out early next week to all fully-paid up Affiliated Societies and will include voting cards.
The Essex & Suffolk Goat Club
The Essex and Suffolk Goat Club would like to see the British Goat Society’s web site updated on a more regular basis, particularly in relation to up and coming events.
Herefordshire Goat Club
With so few male goats now being shown, and many of these animals gaining the required number of tickets for their B.G.S. Championship Awards, but having to wait for qualifying progeny for this to be approved. Could the B.G.S. consider some sort of acknowledgement for these male goats, by adding to their registration details, letters which would indicate this. eg. P.P.= Pending Progeny. A.Q.P.= Awaiting Qualified Progeny. (Or something similar). These letters, subject to their qualifying progeny would then be replaced in time by Ch. &/or Br.Ch.
The Anglo-Nubian Breed Society
In the 1980’s the British Goat Society’s rules changed for male goats to achieve their
Championship Awards, The ANBS request that male goats could/should have letters
Attached to their registration’s indicating the fact that they have gained sufficient tickets but their Championship’s are Pending (“CP”).This to be removed when they have the required number of offspring to be granted full Championship status, eg. CH and/or BrCh
Norwich & District Goat Club & Norwich & District Goat Club Milk Records
The Norwich and District Goat Club and Norwich and District Goat Club Milk Records propose that the British Goat Society should commit resources to the creation of a milk recording computer programme or app that is fully compatible in all areas of Windows 10 and smart phones and the acceptance of electronically submitted data, in order to move milk recording into a more user friendly and modern format.
The Pennine & Bingley Goat Society
Due to the increasing occurrence of unsatisfactory goat disbudding by vets, the Pennine and Bingley Goat Society ask that the BGS petition the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, to require detailed goat disbudding techniques be included in pre-registration Veterinary courses, before granting accreditation.
The Gloucester & Wiltshire Goat Societies
The certificate of merit award to be added to the goats’ details on pedigrees. The BGS award the certificates and has started to publish the achievement of award in the yearbook, and therefore they should acknowledge it by adding it to the goats’ pedigree, otherwise the award has no value or recognition.