Anglo Nubian

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1-14ANImportedChavivaNye’s Imported Chaviva. Best first kidder, best milker and best in show 2-14ANBallingallKrystalFairley’s Ballingall Krystal. Second in first kidder class and reserve best milker overall
3-14ANMieshopBellyndaNye’s Mineshop Bellynda. Winner of second kidder class. 4-14ANEarlsCleopatraEarl’s Earls Cleopatra. Runner up in the second kidder class.
5-14ANEmmadellMillyBGBaldock & Schofield’s Emmadell Milly. Best goatling. 6-14ANEmmadellMindyRBGBaldock & Schofield’s Emmadell Mindy. Reserve best goatling.
7-14ANAbbotswellPresident-Thomasson’s Abbotwell President. Best adult male and reserve best in show. 8-14ANKlimovaLukaszEdwards’ Klimova Lukasz. Best male kid.
9-14ANSandellAliceBKBaldock’s Sandell Alice. 1st in older female kid class. Best female kid overall. 10-14ANEmmadellAvrilResBKBaldock & Scofield’s Emmadell Avril 1st in younger female kid class. Reserve best female kid overall.