Members publications

2016 Front Page

All members of the British Goat Society receive the following publications as part of their annual subscription

The monthly journal

This is normally issued eleven times a year. Wherever appropriate the articles are supported by photographs. Some of the articles are informative: veterinary matters, goat health advice, Government legislation information etc. Other articles are of more general interest: about goatkeepers at home, goatkeeping ideas as well as a few more light hearted articles. There is an advertisement section, as well as “letters to the editor”.

It is possible to purchase the Journal without becoming a BGS member (see current price list).

The BGS Secretary (currently acting editor of the Journal) welcomes material for publishing in the Journal e-mail [email protected] (All copy and advertisements to reach the editor before the first day of the month preceding publication).

A Journal supplement is issued during the summer and early autumn containing the inspection results at all BGS Recognised shows, and also the data and results at milking trials.

See Journal Archives. for a recent sample copy of the Journal

One advantage of this archive is that partially sighted people can enlarge and read it more easily on their computer.
It can take about half a minute to download the pdf file. Once downloaded, however, you could save it of course if you wish.
The older versions will not stay on the site forever – so beware!
Copyright of all items in the online version is reserved in exactly the same way as the printed version issued to all members.

Why not join us and receive your copy on time.


The year book

This is issued in March/April each year. In the sample Year Book displayed there are articles on goats in art, no waste hayracks, experiences with exporting goats to Russia,Trinidad and Greece, also an article on the first Patron of the BGS, Baroness Anglea Burdett-Couuts.

It is the main means by which leading breeders advertise their herds, the advertisements often being supported by photographs of current good goats in the herds.

The Year Book can be purchased separately, without being a member of the BGS.

The British Goat Society also sells back issues of Year Books, many of which contain very much wisdom and the results of years of experience in keeping and breeding goats. The books are priced on an individual basis since some are collector’s items, so in the first instance contact the BGS Secretary e-mail [email protected]

The current editor of the Year Book is: Michael Ackroyd, 118 Frog Grove lane, Woodstreet, Guildford, Surrey GU3 3HBTel: 01483 234023
E-mail: [email protected]

Articles, advertisements and photographs are welcomed. Please send to the Editor by the end of November for publishing the following year.


The herd book

The Herd Book is an indispensable reference for all dairy goat breeders in the UK. It contains registration details of all goats registered by the BGS in its Breed Sections, Foundation Book, Supplementary Register and Identification Register. There is all of the officially approved milk recording data, lists of show Champions, Breed Champions, Sires of Merit and Dams of Excellence. It is possible to go back many years compiling pedigrees of goats by building up a reference library of current and past Herd Books.

Past issues can be purchased, and from time to time collections are sold. In the first instance you should contact the BGS Secretary at [email protected]